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Recent Questions - Puzzling Stack Exchange

Two prisoners look at each other through the prison bars

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

Two prisoners look at each other through the prison bars. Which one of 'em is free?

Pentominoes piece puzzle, image was a storefront

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

When I was growing up, my family had a jigsaw puzzle of several store fronts, where you could see different people running, buying, and some kids. All the stores had letters and art. The pieces where based on squares intertwined. Sort of like pentominoes, but could be more or less than 5.

The art was similar to Charles Wysocki. I'm unsure if it is the same.

I have looked for a while and nothing comes close.

12 treasures in a chest. Crack me open and liquid gold comes out. What am I?

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:34 PM PDT

12 treasures in a chest. Crack me open and liquid gold comes out. What am I?

It's easy if you look at the question carefully.

Shattered Sudoku

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:54 PM PDT

I have created another Sudoku variant.

Fill in a 9x9 grid following the standard rules of Sudoku. (No repeated numbers in any row, column, or 3x3 box.) The grid must also contain the following shapes. The provided shapes can not be rotated, mirrored or overlap.

enter image description here

A link to a penpa version for convenience.

Listen to it... wait

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:28 PM PDT

Maybe you can hear that ethereal song, that churn, gentler before, now overwhelming? All love that beautiful word heralding new things coming. Know that the musician need not bow; there is no chance to bow before his audience, for all flee before the first word, missing the rest.

Eager quarter notes lead spinning, one half note follows dancing, reverberating loudly.

For the word follows mighty kings, proclaiming triumph. Used by horses, cantering gallantly across wheat fields. Like an unfinished thought in the back of one's mind, unspoken. Listen to it… wait.

Within the rest between music's measures, the word still echoes in our heads; rest itself seems elusive.

Over Earth's high mountains and low valleys the word is repeated; nations watch, wondering.

Reminiscent of swirling breezes before the twang ringing from a hunter's bow and the piercing cry that follows. Defying reason, the word follows cold, even follows death. Can we comprehend that life follows that word… rest follows that word?

Like the mother's whispered word or her sweet child humming at rest. Overeager, tireless drone, heaven's word, sweeping out stale dreams.

Unending comparison I could continue, but the rest would be redundant.

Doubtless the word you have guessed, but please explain how it lies encoded within.

What has scales, but is not a fish, has wings, but is not a bird, and has legs, but not a person?

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:33 PM PDT

What has scales, but is not a fish, has wings, but is not a bird, and has legs, but not a person?

If you watched The Hollow, you should know it.

Connect The Wall-Words:-

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

We have a bunch of words scattered here :-

Goal:- Group these $16$ words into $4$ groups, each group containing $4$ words, and words in every group should have a common theme. Further after completing the groups, choose one word from each group and they can be again grouped into a common theme. Find the name of this Theme.

Please check my math homework!

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:02 PM PDT

Could someone please check my math homework?

2 + 2 = 5
4 × 6 = 12
62 = 24
85 - 42 = 20
√961 = 13
43 = 49
93 modulo 7 = 16
143 ÷ 13 = 4

I think I did it well...

Note: This is a puzzle.

Gaps - Square Numbers

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:28 AM PDT

Rules of Gaps:

  1. Fill some cells with stars, so that each row and column contains exactly two stars.
  2. The stars cannot touch each other, not even diagonally.
  3. Numbers outside the grid indicate the number of empty cells between the stars in the respective row or column.

enter image description here

An Assortment of Letters

Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

Can you figure out how I've split the below letters into their groups?

Group 1 Group 2
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

Happy Puzzling!

Why is "lion" the answer to "Take the first left turn at the zoo?"

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:57 AM PDT

From The Evening Standard's Cryptic Crossword - Apr 23 2021, the clue for 36-Across is:

  1. Take the first left turn at the zoo (4)

And the answer is "lion".

I get that the first left is L. The clue is four letters long and the third letter is O, but I do not understand how the rest of the clue -ion is explained.

A new kind of cipher

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

While not a wholly original idea (I stole it from somewhere–just can't remember where), it should be resistant to classic cryptanalytical techniques. However, I have my doubts about its actual, real-world security. Therefore, I thought: What better way to test it than a real-world test by letting the great minds at puzzing.stackexchange take a crack at it. Any hints I'd give I'm afraid would be too much, so no hints for now.

The task is pretty straight-forward, just decipher the following phrase:

T | | F |\/| ^ 6 L C | | | 8 P D S ∆ R F G O L! E /\ |V| | G U Q G G T E D 4 G 5

Fate of the merchant

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:21 AM PDT

Steal my infix and expect to earn
Steal my whole and get exposed
Steal my prefix and forever burn
Steal my suffix and silence arose

Pythagorean triplets generated in a unique way

Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:55 PM PDT

Let's have the following sequence of Pythagorean triplets $25^2=24^2+7^2,1201^2=1200^2+49^2$,

$58825^2=58824^2+343^2, ?, ?$

What are the next two triplets in this sequence?

How have these triplets been generated?

Blood relations using a family tree

Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:00 AM PDT

Zain Alvarez has two married sisters, Olivia, Yojaina, one unmarried sister Carmen Alvarez and he has two sons Dan and Edward, but no daughters. Olivia and her husband Frank have one son Vicky and one daughter Jack. Yojaina and her husband Ruben have two daughters Sujain and Raizain. Zain's wife Ida has only one brother Alaiva and no sisters. Zain and Ida have no children or siblings other than those listed above. Zain's father Gilbert is the only living grandparent of Dan and Edward.

If Gilbert has a sister she must be-

  1. Dan's grandmother

  2. Raizain's cousin

  3. Sujain's aunt

  4. Carmen's grandaunt

  5. Alaiva's mother

Problem courtesy: Bank PO problem sheet.

Wraps and Loops—Which Sequences are Admissible?

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

If you take a non-intersecting closed loop on a torus (that is to say, a path which ends where it starts and does not cross over itself, drawn inside a square whose edges "wrap" left to right and top to bottom), you can use it to infinitely tile the plane in a lined pattern:

enter image description here Example loop (w/ basepoint), and the corresponding tiling in the plane

Moreover, if we take our basepoint and follow the path produced on the plane diagram until we hit a basepoint once again, we find that we move through a series of tiles, perhaps not ending up where we started:

enter image description here Extracting the arrow sequence from the loop (w/ given basepoint and travel direction)

In this way, we say that the sequence ↑←↓↓←↑→↓ is admissible. However, not all sequences of arrows can be produced this way; a diagram producing the sequence simply cannot be drawn. Those sequences are called inadmissible. Can you find an effective means for determining if a provided sequence is admissible or inadmissible?

Here are some example cases to get you started (which your algorithm should correctly label as admissible or inadmissible):

  1. ↓←→↓↑→←↓
  2. ↑↑↑→↑←
  3. ↑↑↓→←↑→↑→

Too many school assignments

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:25 AM PDT

This year we have to make our school assignments in pairs.
With each classmate must be made exactly one of those assignments.
Exactly 30% of the assignments will be made by a pair of girls.

How many assignments do I have to make?

What replaces the question mark in the blood relation problem? [closed]

Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:01 AM PDT

If A + B means A is the father of B If A × B means A is the sister of B If A $ B means A is the wife of B If A % B means A is the mother of B If A ÷ B means A is the son of B

What should come in place of the question mark, to establish that T is the sister-in-law of Q in the given expression ?

R % T × P ? J $ Q + V


(1) ÷

(2) percent(%)

(3) ×

(4) dollar sign

(5) Either $ or ×

Please answer this with the help of a family tree or any other structural method if possible.

What's the encrypted code?

Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:09 PM PDT

What is the code in:


You don't really have to read the entire thing, you have to think differently

Clue 1:

9x9 Sudoku Slitherlink Hybrid

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:19 AM PDT

I previously created a combined slitherlink and sukoku puzzle, but I was unsatisfied because the grid was smaller then a regular sudoku. So I made another, larger one.

Below is a 9 by 9 grid. This is filled in with numbers based on the usual rules of sudoku. All of the numbers from 1 to 9 must appear in every row, column, and block.

enter image description here

A single, closed loop must also be drawn on the edges using the rules of slitherlink. The numbers describe how many edges adjacent to the square the loop passes through. Because a square only has 4 edges, the loop must use the number modulo 4. Numbers with a red background are liars. Liars are always incorrect, thus the loop must use a different number of edges. Since these rules are complicated, a table can be found below.

Sukoku number slitherlink slitherlink (red)
1 1 0,2,3
2 2 0,1,3
3 3 0,1,2
4 0 1,2,3
5 1 0,2,3
6 2 0,1,3
7 3 0,1,2
8 0 1,2,3
9 1 0,2,3

And also, the above grid has been converted into a more traditional slitherlink grid.

enter image description here

I created a roast

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:03 AM PDT

I got a shchiekcemn and I decided to create a roast. I gave it to a co-worker. After some time, she told me I messed up.

Here are the clues what's with the roast:

  1. Fire, Black, Destroy
  2. Poison, Salmonella, Disgust
  3. Gravy, Mayonnaise, Butter

So why did she claim I ruined it?



What is a Trio Word™?

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

This is in the spirit of the What is a Word/Phrase™ series started by JLee with a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles.

If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Trio Word™.
Use the following examples below to find the rule.

Trio Words™ Not Trio Words™

For Trio Word™ marked star above, it's also the Perfect Trio Word™, please also specify what condition makes the perfection. :P

And, if you want to analyze, here is a CSV version:


Hint 1:

Hint 2:

Palindromic number puzzle - make 505 from 20202

Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:58 PM PDT

Can you assemble a formula using the numbers $2$, $0$, $2$, $0$, and $2$ in any order so that the results equals $505$. You may use the operations $x + y$, $x - y$, $x \times y$, $x \div y$, $x!$, $\sqrt{x}$, $\sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}x]{y}$ and $x^y$, as long as all operands are either $2$, $0$, $2$, $0$, or $2$. Operands may of course also be derived from calculations e.g. $200*(2+2)$. You may also use brackets to clarify order of operations, and you may concatenate two or more of the five digits you start with (such as $2$ and $0$ to make the number $20$) if you wish. You may only use each of the starting digits once and you must use all five of them. I'm afraid that concatenation of numbers from calculations is not permitted, but answers with concatenations will get plus one from me.

Any finite number of functions can be used, though ingenious solutions with infinite numbers of functions will get plus one from me.

Note that
double, triple, etc. factorials (n-druple-factorials), such as $6!! = 6 \times 4 \times 2$ are not allowed, but factorials of factorials are fine, such as $((2+0!)!)! = 6! = 720$. I will upvote answers with double, triple and n-druple-factorials which get the required answers, but will not mark them as correct - particularly because a general method was developed by @Carl Schildkraut to solve these puzzles provided that you can make a single number greater than $2$ two times from the numbers you start with - here it could be $20+0$ and $20$ to get two $20$s, for example.

many thanks to the authors of the similar questions below for inspiring this question.

Make numbers 1-100 using only the digits 2, 0, 0, 0?

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:37 PM PDT

How can you make the numbers 1-100 using only the digits 2, 0, 0, 0? I've already found several, the ones I mostly need are 13, 26, 34-40, and 64-85, but I figure it would be interesting to have a record here for other potentially easier/simpler methods.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, factorial, powers (as long as all powers are from the available numbers), sin, cos, tan (and the inverses of those three), and precedence adjustment (parentheses) are allowed, but not concatenation.

To tell me who I am, you must have made me cry

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:33 PM PDT

They paid to see it and they applauded, as this concept was very new.
But only I could relate, for the differences in our cases were very few.

This made me sad and I chose to cry.
It's the only time they care, so I no more try.

That's how it has been since my birth,
So is the case of my brothers on Earth.

It's in our genes, they say. I can't question even if I may.

They push us to the end of life, whenever they want.
Some have unavoidable reasons but mostly just chat.

Who am I, or what am I, please solve this riddle,
the riddler can't rhyme anymore, so middle middle middle.

HINT #1:

HINT #2:

HINT #3:

HINT #4:

HINT #5:

This is my first attempt here. I will accept the answer if one can explain all the lines. If there are any English issues please do let me know. Good luck.

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