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A Mother's Sunday Thoughts..

Hello there everyone.. 
Today is the Lord's day and a beautiful sunny one it is here in Eastern Canada.. 

I thought perhaps I would share a little bit of what is on my heart with you all.. 

We had a lovely worship service this morning at church and the Lord's presence was so real..

I love services like that.. 
I leave strengthened and full of the joy of the Spirit.. 
I feel a sense of comfort knowing that all is under His control.. 

When we wake up tomorrow morning there is no promise of what the day may bring..

We here in North America live blessed lives but we still live and life still happens.. It can bring many forms.. 
We may have joy and sunshine and laughter or perhaps it will bring sorrow and pain and sadness..

I am so glad that I know the Lord and  He is there no matter what my day may bring..  
I don't need to look for him or go to a church or find a preacher ..
I can just call on His name and he is available and present.. 

As we look on the world events we see such turmoil.. 
The weather has gone mad and sin abounds on every side.. 
What used to be out of bounds is now acceptable and normal..
We are living in the last days and the signs are everywhere.. 

The home and the family are in a war to even stand upright.. 
There is so much against it .. 
Pressures of life and careers..
Materialism waves it's hands for a family's attention every day.. 
The media has taken over the family time in most homes.. 
Dinner time is almost unheard of and take out and meals on the go are the ordinary... 
School, sports and events take precedence over a families schedule ..

Where is God's place in all of this?
Have we made a place for the Creator of our lives?
Is He important enough to have a wedge out of our day? 
A sliver, even? 

The importance of church attendance is getting less every day and many families spend their Sundays in an arena or some type of pleasure.. 
This is the norm for most families in the world we are living in.. 
Computer games, sports and pleasure trips are what make the world go around  and parents feel that this is the best thing they can do for their kids.. 

Our oldest son said to me the other day that in raising their children that they only get one kick at the can and they had to do what they could to teach them about a life in Christ.. 
I thought about that and agreed whole heartily.. 
In looking back at the time that Terry and I had to raise our children it seems like it was over in a flash.. 
Today they are grown and have been gone for years and we as their parents had such a short time to teach them what was important.. 


That is the most important thing there is.. 
And where will they spend it? 

Are we teaching them that the things of this world doesn't hold a candle to beauty and joy that a life in Christ gives.. 
That Jesus is coming soon and he tells us to be ready.. 

In Matthew 24:44
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.. 

Are we preparing our children's minds and teaching them the precepts of God? 
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.. 

We all love our children .. 
We want the best things that life has to hold for them.. 
We want love and joy and affection.. 
Freedom and a world of peace and life.. 
We would do anything to keep them safe and well.

But do we love them enough to tell them that Jesus Christ loves them too.. 
That He loved them first.. 
That He created them and made a place for them if they but give their hearts to His care.. 
He has made a way for them that they can be saved and live under his everlasting arm of love.. 
That he reaches for them and wants them for his own.. 

Do we show them that He is the most important thing in our life.. 
That Mama loves the Lord and is planning on spending eternity with Him.. 
That she wants her children there and will do what it takes to make sure they know the Lord, too.. 

As I look back on my life as a young mama I see so many things that I should have done and so wish I could change.. 

But we only had one kick at that can and what is done has been done.. 
Now all I can do is pray.. 

Pray that Christ will be their all in all ..
Pray that they will put Him first in their lives and homes.. 
Pray that they will be ready when the trumpet sounds.. 
Pray that they won't put off salvation and that they will make sure their life is what He would have it to be.. 
Pray that they will teach their children the ways of the Lord and that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun and that the Bible is true.

And I can wrap my arms around them and tell them that as much as I love them that He loves them so much more.. 
That I have put them all in His hand and I trust that all will be well with their souls... 
And I can live my life as an example of Christ.. 
Until eternity that is what I can do.. 

I am so thankful for what the Lord has done and is doing in my children's hearts and lives today.. 
He is faithful.. 

I hope this has touched your hearts .. 

I know that so many of you who read this blog have Christ in your hearts and that you too realize that there is a need in our families to prepare our children for the coming of the Lord.. 

And I want to say that I am so thankful that one day so many years ago a man came to our little humble home and told us the Good News and that my parents gave their hearts to the Lord and brought us up to know Him.. 

God bless..
 Proverbs 30:5-6 - Every word of God [is] pure: he [is] a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 

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