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Benghazi: Not Exactly Rocket Science

Well, slowly, glacially even, but inexorably, the web of lies spun by the Obama misadministration re the Benghazi massacre is being ripped away--the process is very well summed up in this Jennifer Rubin post which includes some biting words from Brit Hume.

The emails are coming out that show what any sentient being on this planet already knew (that excludes MSNBC) that the White House was in full cover-up mode following the disaster; the White House, as the elections loomed, did not want the massacre to "stain" the Obama record on the Middle East, and had decided that the murders were going to be blamed on a justified reaction by Muslim crowds to an obscure video made in the California desert by an Egyptian Coptic Christian.

On this humble blog, I have written and written and written about Benghazi; these are some of the posts,


There are many more as you can see by perusing the archives.

From the start, I questioned the whole story, and noted that the give-away that we were in for a storm of lies was the disappearance of Hillary Clinton and the arrival on scene of Susan Rice. Of all the people to take the point on giving the misadministration's view on Benghazi, why Susan Rice? Where was Hillary? Well, it turned out that Hillary Clinton sped off to something very important in Peru from where she put a lot of physical and political distance distance between herself and the Obama misadministration.

Rice is a political hack totally devoted to Obama. She was more than willing to carry the water for Obama on the Benghazi massacre. Clinton, who never liked Obama (Duh!) and has burning political ambitions to be President, wanted to be seen as little as possible on this issue. We have yet to learn when Hillary Clinton learned about what was happening in Libya, and what she did with the information. Did she call the President? If so, what did she ask him to do? It is amazing that we still do not know what the President knew, when he knew it, and what if anything he ordered done.

I noted in various posts that the CIA does not draft talking points for State or for the UN Ambassador. What has come out, of course, is that the NSC and highly political levels of State and CIA prepped Rice and developed the subsequent public line about a video, a spontaneous demonstration, etc.

I don't want to go on.

None of this was difficult to figure out. You didn't need to have been 34 years at State to know the Obama/Rice Benghazi story was a lie. The stunning thing, however, is not that Obama and his henchmen lied--what do you expect from these people?--but the near-total abrogation of duty by the news media. Not only did four Americans die in Benghazi, but so did whatever little was left of the credibility of the major news organizations. One note: FOX as an organization covered it well, and did so despite the derision of the other organizations and the White House. That's why I do not consider it an insult when my progressive friends say, "Oh go watch Fox!"

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