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Family tree, sad story.

                                                                         Stanley Farm

Whilst trawling the web for information about our family history we came across a sad story in a cutting from the Derby Mercury for April 19th 1912.
My Hubby's great Aunt Annie had been ill for most of her 50 years having had rheumatic fever which left her with a weak heart. She had been confined to her bed by her doctor for the last 13 weeks, and with no improvement in sight had become depressed. So weak was she that, at the Doctor's suggestion, a rope had been fixed to the ceiling so that she could raise herself in bed.
Sadly, whilst her husband John was away in Derby,Annie was found by their servant girl to be hanging, unconscious, from the rope in her room. When she was cut down life was found to be extinct.
Whilst we were in Stanley last Monday we made a point of finding the Farm house where she had lived andin our own way, paid our respects.

It doesn't look a very inviting place at all, quite bleak and unloved, what a shame, it was quite sad to see it and to imagine what had happened there all those years ago.  I guess there are always down sides to tracing your family tree.

Back later with the pond dipping session :-)

Take care
Karen xx

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