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Funtime Friday

Since retiring I have not allowed myself the luxury of spending an entire day playing hooky.
Doing silly and fun things...an entire day out and about in the downtown core.

I wore my pearls...love a dangly drop earring as it makes me feel so feminine.

I hitched an early morning ride with Mr. HB on his way to work and took myself off to Starbucks for coffee and breakfast. I do love a good decaf Americano.
I sat myself down at a table beside the window and gazed out onto the streets of Chinatown and noticed some weary looking street people gathered with their over flowing shopping carts which they use for all their personal belongings. Our city has quite a few street people who live in the downtown core. Some sleep in shelters at night and others create makeshift beds on cardboard scraps and hunker down in doorways and alleys.
It is a sad state of affairs...
I wonder how they have come to be down on their luck, displaced and homeless.
I cannot imagine what it must be like to be living on the street, cold and hungry without a roof overhead.

When they noticed I was staring, I turned my eyes away so as not to invade their privacy.
Then I watched the people in line come in and order their morning coffee and wondered if they were regulars and by the greetings that they were exchanging I felt they must be, at least on Friday mornings.

After a leisurely breakfast I caught up on my blog reading on my IPhone and then walked down through Chinatown to Value Village. It was quiet at 9 am and I felt like I had the store to myself when an older gentlemen came up to me and started telling me that many of these items could be re purposed for things that they were not originally intended to be used for ...he was going off on a tangent and said "Young people need to know this but you don't!" I couldn't help but laugh! I said laughing "Yes I am old, have a great day!

I found a vintage jar with a lid that I am going to use in my pantry cupboard. I am always on the look out for these to store oats, flour, sugar and such in them as they look so much nicer and keep things fresh and neat.
I also found a pair of cowboy booties...my breakfast cost more than these boots!

Giddy Up!

I cruised through Gap looking at their sale racks and found two new tops.
I am loving these striped tops.
I had a further discount card so they were a steal.

I browsed Roots and checked out their new handbags as I love the quality and that they are made in Canada.
A bright colour would be fun for a change.
I own a few bags and they are all black!
I walked out without buying a thing.

I visited Chapters and looked at the books and was surprised to see how many other things that they have for sale.
Scarves, candles, home decor items...
I rarely shop in Chapters because I use the public library and buy books from a small shop on Oak Bay Avenue owned and run by the sister of a long time friend.
Ivy's Book Store is so convenient and the ladies that work there are super fun and friendly.

I checked out the Bay and some of the racks of women's wear but nothing really stood out and besides my stomach was growling. I checked my watch and it was 1:30 so no wonder I was hungry.
I took the escalator up to the top floor and dined in the cafeteria and sat beside this seagull.

I had planned to walk home but after 5 hours of walking my feet were tired so I hopped on the bus.
Came home and polished my booties, washed the jar and put the kettle on.
I finished the book that I was reading.

I leafed through the cookbook given to me by a friend.
Soup Sisters is an organization that makes soup for the needy.
We have a local chapter here in Victoria.
They meet at The London Chef on Fort Street.
Sounds like fun!

By the time Mr. HB arrived home after his day, I was in the kitchen with my apron on making dinner.
It was a great day and I was weary so we had an early night.

I plan to schedule in another full day of play next month. 

Have a great weekend!

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