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Happy Homemaker Monday #29

Oh I'm so tired this morning.   Hubby has to be up at 4:30am this week and that means I get up at the same time to fix him coffee and lunch.  I don't mind doing it for him, but when you don't get to bed until after 10pm, that morning rolls around really fast doesn't it???

Our older pug Bella also spent a restless night climbing off and back onto the bed, which kept me awake.  So I'm tired, like super mega tired and I'm hoping coffee and prayer gets me through today's housework.

Onto our Happy Homemaker Monday! 

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The Weather:::
80 degrees and cloudy skies this morning.  We had another dust storm blow through around dinner time last night, and then a few sprinkles but not much at all.  I'm hoping the weather stays cloudy and this cool for the rest of the day and I wouldn't mind some good rain showers.

On my reading pile:::
From the Kindle Fire -  Love Finds you in Amana, Iowa.  I really really really love this series :)
From the bookshelf   -  The Prairie Girl's Guide to Life by Jennifer Worick  

On my tv:::
I have three episodes of Starlings to catch up on.
Won't even mention Hollow Crown, I'm so far behind, matter of fact haven't watched a single one. 
My Portuguese soaps - currently watching 3 of them.
Warehouse 13

On the menu for this week:::

Monday -  Spaghetti with Garlic Cheese Bread
Tuesday - Ranch Chicken Thighs
Wednesday -  *Grocery shopping...have to make the new menu today*
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday  - 

On my to do list:::
Iron and put away laundry
Make the new Menu Plan and Grocery List
Get the first school lessons ready and make folders for this years material

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Sail away crochet wall decoration.   Finishing the newest crochet pillow, probably today.


Homemaking Tips:::
Dusting.  Something that I have to fight with constantly in this house, it still gets to me how much more dusting I need to do as compared to when we lived in Idaho.  Then again, it's a desert here, there's nothing but dirt around so it's to be expected.

I've stopped dusting with dusting spray.  Stopped quick a while ago, because I would get the sneezes everytime I did and frankly, it didn't do the job.  I find it much easier to use a damp rag.  Just squeeze it really well to get all the water out, you want it just slightly damp, then dust in the usual faction.

It works SO much better and it's much healthier than having all those chemicals sprayed all over your home.

Looking around the house:::
It's very very quiet in here, and dark too.  We have some cloudy skies and the sun is just starting to rise, peeking through the clouds.  It looks pretty!
I hear the fish tank in the background and my dishwasher in the kitchen.  I have two snoring pugs next to me on the couch and aside from their breathing, just the tapping of my keys on the laptop.
Kids are still in bed.  The living room needs to be straightened out as always when Monday rolls around and everyone is home for the weekend. 

From the camera:::
I love candlelight and to me, one of the most beautiful moments of the day are in the evening right after dinner and before bedtime.  When the kitchen is clean and quiet and sleepy.   


On my prayer list:::
No one in particular and everyone I know, if that makes sense? 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
We often think if life were smooth
We would a better witness be;
But God knows best—that faith midst trials
Can honor Him more powerfully. —Cetas

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