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Highlights of the News

ITEM 1: Germany begins handing out yellow circles to identify the vaccinated. This is totally unlike Hitler requiring Jews to wear yellow Stars of David. It is totally voluntary.

It's the new, improved Germany. Uber alles doesn't live there anymore.

ITEM 2: KKTV reported, "Leilani Lutali told 11 News she has end stage renal failure and needs a kidney as soon as possible. She said when she started working with UCHealth months ago, the fact that she was unvaccinated was not an issue.

"'Fast forward a month and that policy had changed. So that was a surprise to me,' Lutali said.

"She had found a donor candidate, Jaimee Fougner, who was willing to go through the tests. But after passing a few preliminary exams, Fougner was asked if she was vaccinated. She is not, and the process stopped.

"UCHealth did not speak to 11 News on camera, but they did issue a statement outlining the risk they associate with a transplant recipient and the covid 19 virus. They would not comment on any individual patients."

No yellow circle, no kidney. But this is totally not Nazi.

ITEM 3: Meanwhile, Google and the government are working together to develop your social media score, which will determine what services you may receive.

This is fascism. Democrats believe they can dodge the Constitution by having industry censor and industry deny service.

ITEM 4: Matt Margolis reported, "More Americans Have Died of Covid This Year Than in All of 2020."

Last year, we did not have a vaccine.

President Trump gifted Biden with three.

Biden blew it.

ITEM 5: The Daily Wire reported, "A group of prominent experts on covid 19 is pushing President Joe Biden to significantly scale back his plan to provide booster shots for every vaccinated American.

"The experts, some of whom advised the president during the transition, told Biden and some of his top medical experts during a September 27 conference call that the data currently available does not justify using booster shots to combat breakthrough covid infections among the vaccinated, according to Politico. The outside experts argued that the boosters should be restricted to only those at high risk from covid 19.

"Biden was joined on the call along with White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House policy adviser Cameron Webb, and the heads of the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Pfizer must have put Hunter on its board of directors.

Or bought a painting.

ITEM 6: The Daily Camera in Boulder, Colorado, reported, "The Camera is retracting an article that appeared in its Sept. 11 edition, headlined 'Reflections on finding peace.' The newspaper has concluded the article substantially misrepresented the stories of its primary subjects — Mark Pfundstein, John Maynard and Danna Hirsch.

"The Camera has determined that multiple statements attributed to these sources, including purported direct quotations, were fabricated."

The 875-word retraction (longer than a newspaper column) replaced the original 2,245-word story by April Morganroth. She is a 20-year newspaper veteran. There seems to be nothing right about her story. 

Bravo to the people who complained about being misquoted. Newspapers hate retractions. I am glad they got one.

ITEM 7: The Loudoun Times-Mirror reported, "Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge Jeanette A. Irby will appoint a special prosecutor in a case brought by a group of Loudoun County residents seeking the removal of School Board member Beth Barts (Leesburg District).

"Irby granted the group’s motion to disqualify Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj (D) and appoint a special prosecutor on Tuesday during a pre-trial hearing on motions in front of couple dozen people following the case in court and online.

"She said while she has respects Biberaj, the appearance of impartiality was one of the deciding factors in her decision. Citizens of the Leesburg District, which brought forth the petition, requested Biberaj recuse herself due to what the citizens’ group argued is a conflict of interest."

School boards lobbied Merrick Garland to sic the DOJ on parents because of 20 incidents among the 13,800 school boards in America.

Parents got a special prosecutor.

Parents no longer are the biggest problem school board members face.

ITEM 8: National Review reported, "69% of Hispanics Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Immigration."

I am not surprised because unlike his donor-owners they have to live with the crime, covid, and other problems Biden imports.

ITEM 9Christian Toto reported, "Comedian Dave Chappelle stomped across a woke minefield in his 2019 Netflix special 'Sticks & Stones.'

"Joke after joke hit targets presumably off-limits in our Cancel Culture age.

"For Chappelle’s newest Netflix special, 'The Closer,' he did it again. And the reaction from liberal critics is virtually unchanged.

"Bigoted! Transphobic!

"Yet Chappelle won’t be canceled, at least not yet."

Chappelle said, "I'm Team TERF."

You cannot cancel Dave Chappelle because he could not care less if he tried.

ITEM 10: This does not surprise or bother me because cloth masks are pandemic theater.

This does because it shows who Biden really works for.

Milley is a Red China mole. So is Biden.

ITEM 11: Tweet of the day.

Lighten up, baby, it's Thursday.

ITEM 12: The Daily Mail reported, "A new poll reveals President Biden's lowest approval rating yet, as Congress remains at an impasse at the sweeping spend plans that will define his presidency and the threat of debt default loom.   

"Just 38% approve of Biden's job as president, and 53% disapprove, according to a poll from Quinnipiac University. Three weeks ago, the same poll found that 42% approved and 50% disapproved."

A reader said Franklin Roosevelt was known as FDR. Kennedy was JFK. Biden is FJB.

ITEM 13: Media-ite reported, "The Marine Corps announced Wednesday it was referring six charges against Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller for allegedly violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice to court-martial.

"A spokesman for Training and Education Command said the charges include contempt toward officials; disrespect toward superior commissioned officers; willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer; failure to obey orders; dereliction of duty; and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.

"The charges are a new development in the case against Scheller, a 17-year Marine Corps veteran who was relieved of duty in August for publishing a video on Facebook critical of the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. They also follow his Tuesday release from a military brig at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune, where he was detained for eight days for allegedly violating a gag order that prohibited him from posting on social media."

His daddy went on Fox News and boo-hoo-hooed.

Trump supporters raised $2.4 million for him. He pissed on us. No one should care what happens to him.

ITEM 14: Spinquark said, "We’re all about simple fixes, so just change 'female sports' to 'bodies with vaginas sports.'"

I hope Chappelle steals that line.

ITEM 15: Zero Hedge reported, "Congressional Democrats are considering Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's offer of a short term debt limit hike a victory - with Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) telling CNN that McConnell had 'blinked' and that Democrats would likely take him up on the offer to extend the ceiling until December."

The debt ceiling is imaginary. The federal government will spend whatever it wants and however it wants because half the people are on some sort of welfare and want that check to post each month.

FINALLY, a little history.

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