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Seems like everyone's a critic...

As mentioned previously, blogger and gun-guy Keads was here visiting for a day and we did stuff.

Being the highly-trained and experienced observer of people that I am, I could not help but notice that he seemed somewhat uncomfortable as we drove through the countryside, as evidenced by his almost constantly gripping the overhead hand-hold in my SUV while grimacing and/or closing his eyes and mumbling what sounded like prayers of some sort.

I just chalked it up to something that he had for breakfast however, because the only other possible alternative was that he was uncomfortable with my driving, and that could not have been the case as I was, out of respect for my passenger, really keeping it toned down.

I hardly ever passed any other vehicles on the two-lane roads, and when I did, I made sure that I always did it in actual passing zones whenever possible. I kept my speed down close to what was posted, and I even made efforts to avoid going airborne on a couple of stretches of road that have dips sufficient to launch vehicles moving at speed.

I mean, what more could I do as a good host, right?

But then he posts this on his blog:
WARNING! If you are a victim passenger in a motor vehicle with him, use the "Oh Jesus" handrail on the passenger side. You will need it!

Aw, man...I didn't know, Keads. Honest. I had no idea that you wuz skeered. Heck, if'n I'd knowed that, much as it would have pained me, I'da backed it down even more and tried to drive like all of the mere mortal drivers on the roads who lack my special skills and abilities and zest for adventure.

I would never have intentionally made you uneasy there, Keads. Usually my passengers let me know, typically by screaming or something. But I figured that since you were all quiet over there, you were just enjoying the ride.

But like I told you when we started out, I'm an excellent driver. In fact, I haven't wrecked a vehicle since...let's see...not since I lost my leg five years back, unless of course we count that time I hit the TV antenna with the airplane, but I generally don't count that one since it was a plane, not a car or a motorcycle.

Hey, that reminds me...when you come back, we can go flying!

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