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How to set writing goals in 2019

1/1/2019 -- Just another day? I like to see it as the promise of a new beginning. For some, it's a continuation of your story, maybe just a new chapter. My last chapter was quite tumultuous with moving, kids returning to the roost, and the holidays all bombarding us at once. Some days, I didn't know if I would make it. But here I am, back for a new beginning of a new chapter.

I even squeezed in some writing--subbing day-to-day, I find spots of down time, and it's a blessing to leave the house stress for a bit!

So as we press on and look ahead to a new year, it's time to set some writing goals--the topic of my IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) post for this month.

How to Set (& Achieve) Writing Goals - version 2019
  1. What do you want to get done? Jot some things down, make a list. Then prioritize what you want to accomplish first. Use pencil or a computer doc... change is inevitable.
  2. How much time do you have to work with? Life always comes first, and usually second and third. Writing usually has to take a back seat, but don't let it be forgotten. You need to make time for you, just be reasonable about it.
  3. Don't procrastinate. If you don't feel like writing some days, that's okay. And the list is more of a guideline, you can jump around on it and add to or take away from it throughout the year. Just don't stick the list into a drawer only to find it next December wishing you'd done more on it! Plan to do a little each day.
  4. Limit the Social Media temptation. Checking SM too often brings me down--no new likes or mentions this hour :( And posting all the time to receive more responses takes away time from real writing. My snippet SM advice: it's a great tool, but use it sparingly; remember, you get from it what you give, so lower your expectations; and I've found if I set aside a time to schedule posts for the week, I get more out of them later.
  5. Be realistic. Writing is a long distance marathon, you need to have stamina and deal with all the bumps in the road (or find a way around the chasms!) You can reach the goal, but only if you keep going!
Here are my major writing goals for this year... the list helps me focus on writing toward the goals every day and every way I can!
  • WINDY HOLLOW Release is 1/29/19 and I'm planning the Blog Tour - I made a Book Trailer for it! -- If you'd like to help out, here's the FORM (Fingers crossed my publisher holds it together to get this one out there--after that, the future looks dim. Read my NEWSLETTER for the full update...)
  • Submit FARTHER ALONG to betas/CPs this Spring, then polish to gleaming and Query by Summer/Fall.
  • Finish UnPrincess Story #4 GERTRUDE and self-publish this Summer. Seeking artists for this and future projects.
  • Type first draft of Pop Travel #4 - POWER OF SUGGESTION or CONDUCTION - still debating on the title - by Spring/Summer, then on to betas and CPs.
And I haven't forgotten my Shout Out of the Week!

She's a boss! With a super cute book about a baby bossie (haha) I've known Julie for several years and love it when we can get together for events or just do lunch. I'm lucky she lives pretty close!

A librarian from Cincinnati, Ohio, Julie loves to read, run, go for walks with her dog, and visit new places. She's a sports fan and an Ohio State Buckeyes fanatic. She's also a history buff and loves to weave history into her stories.

Her adult novels are "mysteries untethered by time." Two paranormal thrillers, Polar Night and Polar Day and a historical mystery The Ghosts of Aquinnah. She also recently released a horror novella The Turnagain Arm, a prequel to Polar Night. Her debut children's book, Baby Moo's Great Escape, features the animals of Sunrise Sanctuary in Marysville, Ohio. A sequel, Baby Moo Goes to Hollywood, is forthcoming.

Check out Julie, she's fantastic!

How do you set writing goals? How'd you do last year? Always room for improvement, right?

Lastly, a Shout Out to my Street Team. They are 100% wonderful, and I'm always looking for more perky promoters. Work is minimal, results and rewards mega. Here's the FORM if you're interested in doing something awesome! (name that movie)

Happy New Beginnings and Positive Vibes in 2019!!

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