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The Week in Review.

Honestly, if the stress from my waning job status and my ghastly commute doesn't get me, these two might.  I came home Monday night to find that Peanut had broken into the laundry room and, with his willing cohort, Lovey, eaten a quantity of organic grower feed for the quail (read: expensive).  He also tried to chew his way into the box of Honest Kitchen dog food, but was stymied.  Good thing, as I imagine he would have exploded.  Not surprisingly, the rest of the week was dealing with the aftermath of the consumption of this great quantity of NON-dog food.  Let's just say that it had a Roto-Rooter effect on their GI systems.  It wasn't pretty.  After a week of bland diet (rice and yogurt and cottage cheese) we seem to be back to normal. 

I have finished the Great Green Socks!  All that's left is weaving in the ends.  Halleluiah! That just leaves finishing one sock in the pair for my sister, one and a half socks for me and most of another pair for me.  And the mittens.  I am already chomping at the bit to cast on three more things and am trying to control certain disaster.  I will have plenty of time to knit this holiday weekend because we are forecast to get upwards of two feet of snow.  Oh, joy.  I will be knitting and shoveling.  Then the temperatures are plummeting Monday night into double digits below zero.  The fun never stops.

For those of you not familiar with thrummed mittens (and, really, why would you be?) here is an example:

Outside and inside of thrummed mittens.
Source is the Yarn Harlot.
As you can see, once these are done, I will have very toasty hands.  The fleece 'thrums' are inside your nice, warm woolen mittens and create a rather custom warm cushion as you wear them.  They also felt slightly, to make them even better for cold weather wear.  Of course, I may not have them done before summer, so they are only a warm glimmer this winter.  I have promised myself that I can cast on something new, once I finish my sister's socks.  I am fighting my urge to knit nothing but my new shiny thing - my toe-up, two-toned, fancy-schmancy pattern socks that I cast on Christmas Eve.  I am trying to learn as many new methods as possible this year.  Anything to help pump up those flabby brain cells.
It's all I want to knit!
Tomorrow is another fully-scheduled day, what with all the pre-Snowmeggedon prep work (clear the barn door so I can do more than squeeze through, shovel poop, stack hay in a more user-friendly manner, add shavings to the coop, clean out the quail trays, pick up the large, economy size bottle of Aleve, spray the roof rake with cooking oil - you know, the usual), parental visit, wash and gas up the car, haircut, recycling/trash stop, and pick up local lettuce.  Then it's time for Hunkerville.  I see a vat of soup in my future, along with some decent bread.  I hate to admit it, but I really did dislike that pricey loaf and fed it to the chickens.  Gah.

If I can, I will post horrifying photos of mountainous snowfall (sorry, Joyce...)

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