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Game Change in Quadville!

It was a Quadville Wednesday and I was more than ready to see Amber and the 'babies!'
It had been a full week since I saw them last.

Kailey was all Kissy KISSY! So was I!

I only brought one 'new' toy and Trystan totally loved it!!

Louis Dean arrived a bit later than I did and had a royal greeting!

Harrison is growing like a weed! They ALL are!!

It was a good day here in the Land of Quad! The babies are pretty good at entertaining each other and themselves.

With four two year olds, Quadville is like a real live Day Care!!!
It's a wonderful thing to watch them grow and learn and develop!!

They DO love their Granddad and their Granddad loves THEM!

Lunch was easier than usual today since everything doesn't need to be cut up in as small pieces.
They actually ate sandwiches cut in quarters! The biggest thing I noticed - they didn't drop ONE piece of food on the floor!!!
I did diaper changes right before lunch so right after lunch they all lined up and we went upstairs for naps.
I sat in Harrison and Kailey's room til they were sound asleep.
It was a good afternoon for naps with all the rain we had today.
Both Louis Dean and Amber slept soundly for quite awhile!
When I heard Harrison and Kailey banging around up there I went in to find them up on the dresser!

They are too CUTE!!!

They were pretty up front about what they could do now!!
All of that promoted a new Game Change in Quadville!!

Let's hope we ALL get some sleep tonight!!

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