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Hunting 2012

 Hello all!!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!  I skipped out a little early from the shoppe so the hyena could take a nap and instead of cleaning up the remnants of Christmas and the dishes, I thought I would share what I will be hunting for in 2012.

For the Shoppe~

I would love.love.love. a vintage cash register for the shoppe.

And, I also have my eye out for some vintage price holders... I would have my resident graphic designer make me up some cool, vintage-y price signs.

And, a farmhouse table... for the shoppe... maybe move it to the house when I get tired of looking at it there *wink*

I have a repro dress form, but I would like a vintage one... one can live at home and the other at the shoppe.  I like to call that a win-win!

I would also love to have a rack like this one for my kitchen... I am thinking ironstone bowls would be perfect on it... and I just happen to have a *few* ironstone bowls!

I am also wanting to find a really cool vintage piece... like a library cabinet or something with patina and charm... here is another I love!

More~ I want more vintage trophies and loving cups

I am also wanting to trade out our side chairs in the living room.... something with a bit more detail or lines.  The ones we have are nice, but I want something a little more... different, I guess

Mr. Hughes has been wanting to do this for awhile... I love the look!

These are nice... probably a bit too fancy for our space though

These are so fun!  Love the color combination!

If you would like the sources or to follow along on what I am hunting this year, here is my pinboard for finds I would like to acquire this year.  So, what are YOU looking for?  Vintage-wise *wink*

Okay, be back soon with some shoppe photos... we added a organic soap line this week!  They smell great!  Oh, and also, I will have a little giveaway next week as well!

bye for now!

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