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there was a deer in my yard last night!

I know, you're all thinking, hello? Of course, there was a deer in your yard. You live in Maine! But the truth is I've only had a deer in my yard once before and I usually only see them briefly leaping away across the road or along the path ahead. I might live in Maine but I don't necessarily see the wild animals you might think I would. Two moose, once, many years ago, which I mistook for horses at first until I realized they were way too big to be horses, a coyote pup my brother found injured, which recovered amazingly fast in the entry way of the house we shared (and yes, he was effing cute as hell), and a Fisher walking up my drive one winter night (looked like a big raccoon with a long bushy black tail). I kept my cats in for a month after. My neighbor lost his. Anyway, back to the deer in my yard. It was a buck, young I'd guess, and he was just standing there, hanging out. My son and I watched him from the porch and he watched us, eyes glowing in the dark. Strangely, he didn't seem afraid and we wondered if he might have been injured - it is hunting season - but by morning he was gone and we were both glad.

Meanwhile, I'm in the midst of revisions and winter is fast appoaching. It's cold outside and we've had a couple of dustings and while I am looking forward to Christmas - it's pretty! - I am not looking forward to nothing but cold until Spring. It's going to take everything I've got to make myself get out and walk and do some damn thing so I don't turn into a butterball between now and then.

What are you working on? Inquiring minds want to know :)

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