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Instant Gratification (almost)

It's so nice to be working on a small project! It's like almost instant gratification! I may just have to do several of these before I get back to the soap shop! :O)
The photo above shows where I'll stop for the night - as much as I'd like to have more hours in a day, my body makes me sleep. If you'll indulge me, I'll share the days activities...

Here's where I left off last night. I fit all the tabs into the slots for a dry fit, made some adjustments, then glued and taped. The chipboard is very forgiving, and even easier than 1/8" plywood to trim as needed. I had all of the trim (quarter round at the ceiling, chair rail and baseboard prepped, painted and waxed. The wax needs to sit overnight, so this left me at a great stopping point.

7:10 am - Woodson, extremely active puppy that he is, was awake and making noise. The kind that lets you know he's up to no good. He knows that this will surely startle and wake me up - which means he can now get served his breakfast. He was sad to discover that there was no more turkey left over, and all he got was boring old kibble.

On the to-do list was to buff then install the trim and moldings. While they were drying, I searched out a photo for the window's view. I like the fall colors against the blue sky - something we don't often see together here in the northwest. The window I used was one from the Creatin' Contest kit. I didn't want to cut a hole for it in the chipboard, as the back is actually THE BACK for the book. (What? You hadn't already guessed that it was a book? Shhhh... Don't tell!) So, I just trimmed a little off to make it sit a little more flush to the wall.

Next up was to install the metal plate for the magnetic LED battery light fixture. I glued it with E6000 to a painted woodsie, then attached the whole assembly to the ceiling. I got the fixture during a closeout sale at Grandma Holly's House. She sells miniatures through her web site and eBay, and is so close to my location, that I get my stuff in 24 hours most times. ~C~O~N~V~I~E~N~T~! The light isn't very bright, but for $18 including shipping, I can live with semi realistic lighting. I'll save the real $$ on important things for the scene, like shoes and a purse! The fixture was brass, but a little white nail enamel 'washed that brass right outta my fixture'!

In case you feel dizzy, you are up-side-down!

Next on the agenda was to make some shelving. I could have gone with wood, but I am concerned about the final weight of this project. And, I just so happen to have an awesome new Cricut machine. Oh! I can make some chipboard shelves, YES I CAN! With perfect measurements for the space, too!

The shelves' design elements...

Precisely cut elements... Aren't they pretty!

See the brown? that's the bonded kraft backing layer.
It just stuck to the REALLY STICKY purple mat.
Oh! And by the way... I was being a total baby in my last post. Changing to the deep cut blade for chipboard cutting was soooo easy! YOU ALL NEED THIS MACHINE! Mind-blowing-wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-kind-of-ideas will come to you! If you are a maker you need this machine!

So... I did this twice. Not because I am diligent and wanted to have a dress rehearsal for the real show. Nope. Because I changed my mind. You see, the first time I covered the shelves in red paper. Then I remembered that Some of the accessories for the shelves ARE RED. Too much red does not pop and make your little heart flutter. I really need me some heart flutter. Sooooo, on the second thought I decided no paper, just assembled shelves, brackets and trim painted the same color as the window trim: Happy Housewife. Just kidding, but that is a good name for paint.

These perfectly good shelves will go in the drawer I lovingly refer to as: Gen Pop. Meaning that any of the items in that drawer are okay to steal for any project I like. I.E.General Population. Some things I accumulate are only for specific projects and I am not allowed to steal them... Says me!

So the second batch of shelf parts went something like this...

Shelf and supports are laminated for
strength, trim is delaminated to reduce bulk.

Shelves assembled.

It was a long and satisfying day. For Woodson, too, as he got to have his very first bit of white chocolate! Happy grandpuppy, happy grandma!

Back soon,

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